Pumpkin Patch Preschool
Parent Handbook
Parent Handbook
Mission Statement:
At Pumpkin Patch we provide a Christian setting. We want to share our nondenominational Judeo/Christian Faith, beliefs and values. We desire to honor and glorify God in all that we do and we dedicate the program to the Lord. We believe children are a blessing and a gift from God. We feel each child is uniquely created. We seek to demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ to each child. We desire to support and assist each family in their role of nurturing and encouraging their child's development.
Philosophy We believe that the pre-school years are ones of rapid growth for young children and that many skills, abilities, and attitudes are developed during this time that affect their entire lives. Our pre-school program is designed to provide an enriched environment in which your child can learn and develop. We feel that a child learns best in an atmosphere of love, warmth and acceptance.
Objectives of the Program
1. To help each child perceive him/herself as a worthwhile person, worthy of love and capable of achievement.
2. To help each child be able to give and receive from others.
3. To help the child develop interaction skills that will enable each child to communicate with other children and adults.
4. To help the children be responsible for themselves.
5. To teach cognitive skills appropriate to each child’s level of learning.
6. To stimulate the child’s curiosity and creativity.
7. To develop each child’s large and small muscle coordination.
8. To help the children develop a feeling of self-confidence.
9. To help each child know and receive God's love.
A written childcare program plan is available for parents to review.
Licensed: The Pumpkin Patch Pre-school facilities are licensed by the State Department of Human Services. This assures families that high standards have been met regarding space, equipment, program and staff. The program is licensed for 30 children per session. We are licensed to have morning and afternoon sessions. The staff consists of the director, teachers and assistant teachers meeting state qualification requirements.
All children must be between the ages of 33 months and kindergarten entrance. The Pumpkin Patch Pre-school does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, creed, color, or national origin. Provisions for enrollment can be made for special needs of individual children such as physical handicaps.
Hours of Operation
School Calendar – School begins the day after Labor Day and continues through May.
Parents will be provided with a listing of scheduled days off. There may be a few days during the winter months when the weather will prohibit the functioning of the Pre-school. In the event of extreme weather conditions, we will notify parents of the closing of school on WCCO 830 (radio) and WCCO channel 4 (television) under the name Pumpkin Patch. (The public school has a pre-school program also). Snow Days have been built into our calendar but if a particular session is missed more than two times due to weather conditions that session will be made up.
Hours – Hours are from 9:00am to 12:00 noon for the morning sessions. Afternoon sessions are from 12:30 – 3:30pm (When offered) Full Day 9:00am - 3:30pm (When offered) A parent or other responsible adult must accompany the child into the room at 9:00 or 12:30. Your child will not be allowed to leave school with any unauthorized person. Parents are required to notify staff if any new or different person will be picking up the child. Children will not be released to anyone who is threatening, incapacitated or suspect. Children should be picked up promptly at 12:00 noon or 3:30. The parents will provide transportation or car-pooling arrangements are to be made by the parents.
Daily Programming
Self-Directed Learning – Children are encouraged to engage in an activity that interests them. They can choose from such interest areas as books, easel painting, art table, sensory table, trucks and blocks, housekeeping, toys for small and large muscle and cognitive development.
Get-together – This is a time for sharing and planning together. It is the time of the day when we talk about the calendar, weather, and what activities and units are happening in the room.
Sharing Time – Sharing week will be the first full week of the month. This is a time when the children can bring one/two items from home to show and tell the other children. Toy guns, knives, swords and other weapons are NOT allowed. Sharing Week is designated the first full week of each month beginning in October.
Snack – Nutritious snacks are provided daily for your child. If you would like to provide a snack or treats are brought from home, they may be:
1. Purchased – commercially prepared
2. Fruits and/or vegetables to be cleaned and prepared at school
3. Ingredients can be brought to school and prepared at school by the parent or staff
Since we often have children with food allergies we request that snacks provided be peanut free/safe. We look upon snack time as a time of socializing and conversation, which helps language development. In addition to encouraging conversation we also encourage good manners in the form of passing the snack, waiting for each person to be served, cooperating in pouring each others drink and asking to be excused when they have finished their snack.
Physical Education – We try to get outside every day except when it is raining or extremely cold or wet. If we stay indoors we have planned activities to develop muscles and coordination.
Unit Discussions and Activities – During this portion of the day, we focus on a particular unit of study (science, colors, pets, time, etc.). We plan various activities to meet each child’s level of skill development. Children meet in small groups with their peer group for this teacher directed time.
Music and Literature – Each day we take time to read stories, sing songs, and do music & movement activities etc. This is a planned activity for everyday but also occurs throughout the day, for example during self-directed time, and transition times.
Pumpkin Patch uses Early Learning Success Curriculum and other curriculums which promote school readiness through the use of early learning standards as stated in the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPS). ELSC supports and enhances every child’s learning in all developmental domains: Social & Emotional, Approaches to Learning, Creativity & the Arts, Language & Literacy Development, Cognitive Development including math, science and social systems and Physical & Motor Development.
Resources Visit
Generally, Pumpkin Patch will bring community resource people to the school in lieu of field trips. For example, Fire Fighters will be invited to bring a fire truck and their equipment to school to show the children. We are always open to suggested resource people. Occasionally the children will be taken on walking field trips to neighborhood interest sites. The children’s registration form will ask permission for the children to participate in these walking field trips. In the event a field trip requiring transportation is planned specific permission slips will be given to parents of the children involved. Only children with signed permission slips will be allowed to participate. Public transit will be required or regulations regarding car seats and restraints followed. Currently our insurance and these state regulations discourage these trips in private vehicles.
Communication with Parents
Parents will receive monthly newsletters, which will include news about the program. We will plan a parent-teacher conference during the year and a Welcome/Intake conference prior to the opening of the school. Records will be kept to aid in the evaluation process. These records will be destroyed when your child is no longer in the program. Parents are welcome to visit school anytime. A Parent Volunteer Calendar is available for parents to sign up to help out in various ways. We will arrange an Open House in the fall so you can see what the children have been doing the first weeks of school. Parent parties and a family picnic are planned each year. We also utilize email and Seesaw to stay connected with our families.
Parents and others may also visit our web site to view our Parent Hand Book, newsletter, pictures, etc.
Research and Public Relations Activities Permission
Registration materials will include a request for parent’s permission for the child to participate in general public relation activities such as newspaper promotion or a photo display used to promote the program. In general the photos will not be identified by name. Pictures or videos may be taken to be used within the program such as for a Bulletin board display. In the event Pumpkin Patch Pre-school is asked to be involved in a research program or experimental procedure all participation would be voluntary and any child participating would have a signed parental permission form on file.
Behavior Guidance and Discipline Policy
The staff at Pumpkin Patch believes that positive reinforcement, redirection of negative behavior and an explanation of what is expected and why, is the best and easiest way of handling inappropriate behavior. Yet at times purposeful discipline becomes necessary for the good of the individual child and the other children in the program.
The following is a course of action that may be taken if needed:
1. First time – identify the undesirable action to the child as being inappropriate
2. Second time – reminder of the rule and redirection
3. Third time – temporary exclusion from the group and/or loss of privileges. (Child is excluded from the group for a short time in an observable spot in the classroom).
If the inappropriate behavior continues, a parent-teacher conference will be requested to discuss alternative measures of behavior guidance. A written behavior guidance policy and procedure plan is followed and is available for parents to review.
Your child must be examined by a physician within three months prior to being admitted into our program. All immunizations must be current. The required immunization form must be on file the first day of attendance. The completed Health Summary form signed or stamped by the child’s clinic must be returned within 30 days. These regulations are from the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services. For your child’s well being and the protection of the other children, your child should be kept home if he has the following:
· Red Eyes
· Heavy Cough
· Upset Stomach
· Ear ache
· Open sores
· Swollen glands
· Fever
· Diarrhea
· Undiagnosed rash
· Unexplained lethargy
Children with reportable or contagious conditions must be kept at home until treated or cleared by a physician. If your child becomes ill at school, the teacher will notify the parents or contact person on the emergency card if the parents can’t be reached. You should have someone who will care for your child if he/she cannot remain at school. While waiting to be picked up the ill child will be isolated from the other children and allowed to rest on a cot in the office under the supervision of a staff person. The staff will notify you if a contagious illness exists among the children in your child’s group. If your child has exposed his/her classmates to a communicable disease or condition including lice, impetigo, ringworm, chicken pox, or strep throat please notify staff within 24hr exclusive of weekends and holidays. Staff are NOT allowed to give medication. In the event of an accidental ingestion of a poisonous substance the Pumpkin Patch Staff would call the Poison Control Center.
Suspected Child Abuse
All staff persons are required to and responsible for reporting instances of suspected child abuse or neglect to the director and to the appropriate county officials as specified in Minnesota Statues, Section 626.556. See attached addendum.
Emergency Procedures
In the case of an emergency we will first call the parents or the contact persons identified on the emergency card. If the parents or contact person can not be reached and the nature of the emergency requires immediate attention, the Doctor or Clinic on your emergency card would be called. If hospitalization would be advised by the Doctor, the child would be taken to the local hospital. Transportation would be arranged when the teacher talks with/to the parent or contact person. If the parents cannot be reached, either the teacher would transport or the ambulance would be called, if the injury warranted.
The following procedures would be followed for these specific emergencies:
1. Tornado – designated place of safety in our building
2. Fire – emergency shelter (Resurrection Lutheran Church)
3. Blizzard – children would be sent home with parents
4. Power failure in the building – if prolonged, the children would be sent home
5. Missing child – Staff would search the area while the teacher contacts the parents. Police would be called.
6. Minor scrapes and scratches – the staff has been trained in first aid to be able to deal with this sort of emergency.
· The pre-school also participates in monthly fire drills so the children are familiar with the procedure to get out of the building quickly.
· Tornado drills are conducted in September, April and May as well.
The Members of the pre-school staff have completed CPR training as required.
Xcel Energy Emergency Planning:
Pumpkin Patch is currently working with the City of Monticello, Wright County Nuclear Service and The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to establish an emergency evacuation plan in the very unlikely event that there was a Nuclear Power Plant Incident. We will be notified and possible evacuation initiated.
Children’s clothing should be comfortable, washable, and designed so that they are generally able to manage toileting by themselves. Girls wearing skirts are generally more comfortable and modest with shorts, bloomers or tights underneath. We will go outside when the weather permits, therefore, sweaters, snowsuits, raincoats, caps, mittens, and boots should be easy and big enough for the children to put on by themselves. The teachers request that the children wear mittens rather then gloves to aid in their independence. Please mark each item with the child’s name clearly for identification, particularly, snow boots, snow pants, sweatshirt jackets, etc.
Use of Volunteers
Parents are encouraged to spend time at the pre-school helping in a variety of ways. A Parent Volunteer Calendar is available to sign up to help out.
Presence of Pets
Pumpkin Patch Pre-School does not at this time have a resident pet. If at sometime during the year a family wishes to bring in their pet to visit, arrangements should be made with the staff to set up the best date and time. In general we find it works best for the parent to stay with the pet during the entire visit as a safety precaution for the children and the animal.
Birthday Celebrations
Each child will be recognized for their Birthday on or near their day. Children with summer birthdays will be recognized in May. Pumpkin Patch has some traditions to help make the Birthday child feel special. A Birthday apple from our Birthday tree will be pinned on the child and the children will sing Happy Birthday to the child during circle time. Children are welcome to bring birthday treats or snacks to celebrate but this is optional. Treats to send home (candy, gum, cereal bars etc.) must be individually wrapped but do not need to be edible in nature, stickers, pencils, small trinkets etc. are also fun. If you want to provide snack to celebrate your child's special day remember to sign up ahead of time and/or talk with the teachers. Remember snacks must be commercially prepared or prepared at school. Also remember in general peanut safe snacks and/or treats are preferred. There are generally 30 children/group and 4 teachers. To clarify Snacks are eaten at school at snack time. Treats are individually wrapped treats to be sent home.
Pumpkin Patch Fees and Tuition Policies
Registration Fee:
There is a registration fee to be paid at the time of registration. This fee along with the registration form is required to hold an open enrollment slot. The registration fee is not refundable.
The tuition fee is a monthly fee that is based on the number of sessions the child is enrolled for and it is prorated for the year so the monthly fee is the same each month.
Tuition payments are due at the beginning of the month upon receiving the monthly newsletter which will serve as a monthly billing reminder. Checks are made payable to:
Pumpkin Patch Pre-school
It is our policy to carry an account a maximum of two months. If the account has not been paid at that time the child may be dropped from our program unless arrangements are made to bring the account current. If the child is dropped the past due amount will still need to be paid. Unpaid accounts may be turned over to a collections agency. There is no refund for illness or occasional absences.
Withdrawal from the Program:
If an early withdrawal of a child from the program is necessary a one month paid written notice is requested. (For example if you are moving and the child will be attending until November 15th, notice would be given by October 15th and all of October tuition and half of November's would be due.)
If a child is removed from the program in April or May, half of the remaining tuition will be charged as the slot can not be filled so late in the year.
Grievance Procedure
A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of the terms and conditions of the Program Policies. Grievances will be resolved in conference with the following procedure.
Step 1. A person may take up a grievance with a staff person directly involved within 10 days of its occurrence.
Step 2. If the person served is not satisfied with how the grievance was settled they may confer with the Director.
Step 3. If the grievance is still not satisfied a written letter describing the grievance may be given to the Director within 15 days of the occurrence or the initial conference. The Director will respond within 5 days of receiving written notice or with in an agreed time frame if the limit is extended.
Step 4. If the grievance is still not settled another conference will be held and steps of resolution will be recorded.
If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth it will be considered waived. The time limits in each step may be extended by written mutual consent. The term days shall be defined as working days for the purpose of this policy and shall exclude weekends and holidays.
Pumpkin Patch Pre-school carries Commercial General Liability Insurance.
Holidays and Days School is closed:
Fall Break
Christmas Break
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents Day
Easter Break
Work Shop Days
Department of Human Services
Licensing Division (651) 431-6500
Parent Handbook Revised 2019
At Pumpkin Patch we provide a Christian setting. We want to share our nondenominational Judeo/Christian Faith, beliefs and values. We desire to honor and glorify God in all that we do and we dedicate the program to the Lord. We believe children are a blessing and a gift from God. We feel each child is uniquely created. We seek to demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ to each child. We desire to support and assist each family in their role of nurturing and encouraging their child's development.
Philosophy We believe that the pre-school years are ones of rapid growth for young children and that many skills, abilities, and attitudes are developed during this time that affect their entire lives. Our pre-school program is designed to provide an enriched environment in which your child can learn and develop. We feel that a child learns best in an atmosphere of love, warmth and acceptance.
Objectives of the Program
1. To help each child perceive him/herself as a worthwhile person, worthy of love and capable of achievement.
2. To help each child be able to give and receive from others.
3. To help the child develop interaction skills that will enable each child to communicate with other children and adults.
4. To help the children be responsible for themselves.
5. To teach cognitive skills appropriate to each child’s level of learning.
6. To stimulate the child’s curiosity and creativity.
7. To develop each child’s large and small muscle coordination.
8. To help the children develop a feeling of self-confidence.
9. To help each child know and receive God's love.
A written childcare program plan is available for parents to review.
Licensed: The Pumpkin Patch Pre-school facilities are licensed by the State Department of Human Services. This assures families that high standards have been met regarding space, equipment, program and staff. The program is licensed for 30 children per session. We are licensed to have morning and afternoon sessions. The staff consists of the director, teachers and assistant teachers meeting state qualification requirements.
All children must be between the ages of 33 months and kindergarten entrance. The Pumpkin Patch Pre-school does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, creed, color, or national origin. Provisions for enrollment can be made for special needs of individual children such as physical handicaps.
Hours of Operation
School Calendar – School begins the day after Labor Day and continues through May.
Parents will be provided with a listing of scheduled days off. There may be a few days during the winter months when the weather will prohibit the functioning of the Pre-school. In the event of extreme weather conditions, we will notify parents of the closing of school on WCCO 830 (radio) and WCCO channel 4 (television) under the name Pumpkin Patch. (The public school has a pre-school program also). Snow Days have been built into our calendar but if a particular session is missed more than two times due to weather conditions that session will be made up.
Hours – Hours are from 9:00am to 12:00 noon for the morning sessions. Afternoon sessions are from 12:30 – 3:30pm (When offered) Full Day 9:00am - 3:30pm (When offered) A parent or other responsible adult must accompany the child into the room at 9:00 or 12:30. Your child will not be allowed to leave school with any unauthorized person. Parents are required to notify staff if any new or different person will be picking up the child. Children will not be released to anyone who is threatening, incapacitated or suspect. Children should be picked up promptly at 12:00 noon or 3:30. The parents will provide transportation or car-pooling arrangements are to be made by the parents.
Daily Programming
Self-Directed Learning – Children are encouraged to engage in an activity that interests them. They can choose from such interest areas as books, easel painting, art table, sensory table, trucks and blocks, housekeeping, toys for small and large muscle and cognitive development.
Get-together – This is a time for sharing and planning together. It is the time of the day when we talk about the calendar, weather, and what activities and units are happening in the room.
Sharing Time – Sharing week will be the first full week of the month. This is a time when the children can bring one/two items from home to show and tell the other children. Toy guns, knives, swords and other weapons are NOT allowed. Sharing Week is designated the first full week of each month beginning in October.
Snack – Nutritious snacks are provided daily for your child. If you would like to provide a snack or treats are brought from home, they may be:
1. Purchased – commercially prepared
2. Fruits and/or vegetables to be cleaned and prepared at school
3. Ingredients can be brought to school and prepared at school by the parent or staff
Since we often have children with food allergies we request that snacks provided be peanut free/safe. We look upon snack time as a time of socializing and conversation, which helps language development. In addition to encouraging conversation we also encourage good manners in the form of passing the snack, waiting for each person to be served, cooperating in pouring each others drink and asking to be excused when they have finished their snack.
Physical Education – We try to get outside every day except when it is raining or extremely cold or wet. If we stay indoors we have planned activities to develop muscles and coordination.
Unit Discussions and Activities – During this portion of the day, we focus on a particular unit of study (science, colors, pets, time, etc.). We plan various activities to meet each child’s level of skill development. Children meet in small groups with their peer group for this teacher directed time.
Music and Literature – Each day we take time to read stories, sing songs, and do music & movement activities etc. This is a planned activity for everyday but also occurs throughout the day, for example during self-directed time, and transition times.
Pumpkin Patch uses Early Learning Success Curriculum and other curriculums which promote school readiness through the use of early learning standards as stated in the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPS). ELSC supports and enhances every child’s learning in all developmental domains: Social & Emotional, Approaches to Learning, Creativity & the Arts, Language & Literacy Development, Cognitive Development including math, science and social systems and Physical & Motor Development.
Resources Visit
Generally, Pumpkin Patch will bring community resource people to the school in lieu of field trips. For example, Fire Fighters will be invited to bring a fire truck and their equipment to school to show the children. We are always open to suggested resource people. Occasionally the children will be taken on walking field trips to neighborhood interest sites. The children’s registration form will ask permission for the children to participate in these walking field trips. In the event a field trip requiring transportation is planned specific permission slips will be given to parents of the children involved. Only children with signed permission slips will be allowed to participate. Public transit will be required or regulations regarding car seats and restraints followed. Currently our insurance and these state regulations discourage these trips in private vehicles.
Communication with Parents
Parents will receive monthly newsletters, which will include news about the program. We will plan a parent-teacher conference during the year and a Welcome/Intake conference prior to the opening of the school. Records will be kept to aid in the evaluation process. These records will be destroyed when your child is no longer in the program. Parents are welcome to visit school anytime. A Parent Volunteer Calendar is available for parents to sign up to help out in various ways. We will arrange an Open House in the fall so you can see what the children have been doing the first weeks of school. Parent parties and a family picnic are planned each year. We also utilize email and Seesaw to stay connected with our families.
Parents and others may also visit our web site to view our Parent Hand Book, newsletter, pictures, etc.
Research and Public Relations Activities Permission
Registration materials will include a request for parent’s permission for the child to participate in general public relation activities such as newspaper promotion or a photo display used to promote the program. In general the photos will not be identified by name. Pictures or videos may be taken to be used within the program such as for a Bulletin board display. In the event Pumpkin Patch Pre-school is asked to be involved in a research program or experimental procedure all participation would be voluntary and any child participating would have a signed parental permission form on file.
Behavior Guidance and Discipline Policy
The staff at Pumpkin Patch believes that positive reinforcement, redirection of negative behavior and an explanation of what is expected and why, is the best and easiest way of handling inappropriate behavior. Yet at times purposeful discipline becomes necessary for the good of the individual child and the other children in the program.
The following is a course of action that may be taken if needed:
1. First time – identify the undesirable action to the child as being inappropriate
2. Second time – reminder of the rule and redirection
3. Third time – temporary exclusion from the group and/or loss of privileges. (Child is excluded from the group for a short time in an observable spot in the classroom).
If the inappropriate behavior continues, a parent-teacher conference will be requested to discuss alternative measures of behavior guidance. A written behavior guidance policy and procedure plan is followed and is available for parents to review.
Your child must be examined by a physician within three months prior to being admitted into our program. All immunizations must be current. The required immunization form must be on file the first day of attendance. The completed Health Summary form signed or stamped by the child’s clinic must be returned within 30 days. These regulations are from the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services. For your child’s well being and the protection of the other children, your child should be kept home if he has the following:
· Red Eyes
· Heavy Cough
· Upset Stomach
· Ear ache
· Open sores
· Swollen glands
· Fever
· Diarrhea
· Undiagnosed rash
· Unexplained lethargy
Children with reportable or contagious conditions must be kept at home until treated or cleared by a physician. If your child becomes ill at school, the teacher will notify the parents or contact person on the emergency card if the parents can’t be reached. You should have someone who will care for your child if he/she cannot remain at school. While waiting to be picked up the ill child will be isolated from the other children and allowed to rest on a cot in the office under the supervision of a staff person. The staff will notify you if a contagious illness exists among the children in your child’s group. If your child has exposed his/her classmates to a communicable disease or condition including lice, impetigo, ringworm, chicken pox, or strep throat please notify staff within 24hr exclusive of weekends and holidays. Staff are NOT allowed to give medication. In the event of an accidental ingestion of a poisonous substance the Pumpkin Patch Staff would call the Poison Control Center.
Suspected Child Abuse
All staff persons are required to and responsible for reporting instances of suspected child abuse or neglect to the director and to the appropriate county officials as specified in Minnesota Statues, Section 626.556. See attached addendum.
Emergency Procedures
In the case of an emergency we will first call the parents or the contact persons identified on the emergency card. If the parents or contact person can not be reached and the nature of the emergency requires immediate attention, the Doctor or Clinic on your emergency card would be called. If hospitalization would be advised by the Doctor, the child would be taken to the local hospital. Transportation would be arranged when the teacher talks with/to the parent or contact person. If the parents cannot be reached, either the teacher would transport or the ambulance would be called, if the injury warranted.
The following procedures would be followed for these specific emergencies:
1. Tornado – designated place of safety in our building
2. Fire – emergency shelter (Resurrection Lutheran Church)
3. Blizzard – children would be sent home with parents
4. Power failure in the building – if prolonged, the children would be sent home
5. Missing child – Staff would search the area while the teacher contacts the parents. Police would be called.
6. Minor scrapes and scratches – the staff has been trained in first aid to be able to deal with this sort of emergency.
· The pre-school also participates in monthly fire drills so the children are familiar with the procedure to get out of the building quickly.
· Tornado drills are conducted in September, April and May as well.
The Members of the pre-school staff have completed CPR training as required.
Xcel Energy Emergency Planning:
Pumpkin Patch is currently working with the City of Monticello, Wright County Nuclear Service and The Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to establish an emergency evacuation plan in the very unlikely event that there was a Nuclear Power Plant Incident. We will be notified and possible evacuation initiated.
Children’s clothing should be comfortable, washable, and designed so that they are generally able to manage toileting by themselves. Girls wearing skirts are generally more comfortable and modest with shorts, bloomers or tights underneath. We will go outside when the weather permits, therefore, sweaters, snowsuits, raincoats, caps, mittens, and boots should be easy and big enough for the children to put on by themselves. The teachers request that the children wear mittens rather then gloves to aid in their independence. Please mark each item with the child’s name clearly for identification, particularly, snow boots, snow pants, sweatshirt jackets, etc.
Use of Volunteers
Parents are encouraged to spend time at the pre-school helping in a variety of ways. A Parent Volunteer Calendar is available to sign up to help out.
Presence of Pets
Pumpkin Patch Pre-School does not at this time have a resident pet. If at sometime during the year a family wishes to bring in their pet to visit, arrangements should be made with the staff to set up the best date and time. In general we find it works best for the parent to stay with the pet during the entire visit as a safety precaution for the children and the animal.
Birthday Celebrations
Each child will be recognized for their Birthday on or near their day. Children with summer birthdays will be recognized in May. Pumpkin Patch has some traditions to help make the Birthday child feel special. A Birthday apple from our Birthday tree will be pinned on the child and the children will sing Happy Birthday to the child during circle time. Children are welcome to bring birthday treats or snacks to celebrate but this is optional. Treats to send home (candy, gum, cereal bars etc.) must be individually wrapped but do not need to be edible in nature, stickers, pencils, small trinkets etc. are also fun. If you want to provide snack to celebrate your child's special day remember to sign up ahead of time and/or talk with the teachers. Remember snacks must be commercially prepared or prepared at school. Also remember in general peanut safe snacks and/or treats are preferred. There are generally 30 children/group and 4 teachers. To clarify Snacks are eaten at school at snack time. Treats are individually wrapped treats to be sent home.
Pumpkin Patch Fees and Tuition Policies
Registration Fee:
There is a registration fee to be paid at the time of registration. This fee along with the registration form is required to hold an open enrollment slot. The registration fee is not refundable.
The tuition fee is a monthly fee that is based on the number of sessions the child is enrolled for and it is prorated for the year so the monthly fee is the same each month.
Tuition payments are due at the beginning of the month upon receiving the monthly newsletter which will serve as a monthly billing reminder. Checks are made payable to:
Pumpkin Patch Pre-school
It is our policy to carry an account a maximum of two months. If the account has not been paid at that time the child may be dropped from our program unless arrangements are made to bring the account current. If the child is dropped the past due amount will still need to be paid. Unpaid accounts may be turned over to a collections agency. There is no refund for illness or occasional absences.
Withdrawal from the Program:
If an early withdrawal of a child from the program is necessary a one month paid written notice is requested. (For example if you are moving and the child will be attending until November 15th, notice would be given by October 15th and all of October tuition and half of November's would be due.)
If a child is removed from the program in April or May, half of the remaining tuition will be charged as the slot can not be filled so late in the year.
Grievance Procedure
A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of the terms and conditions of the Program Policies. Grievances will be resolved in conference with the following procedure.
Step 1. A person may take up a grievance with a staff person directly involved within 10 days of its occurrence.
Step 2. If the person served is not satisfied with how the grievance was settled they may confer with the Director.
Step 3. If the grievance is still not satisfied a written letter describing the grievance may be given to the Director within 15 days of the occurrence or the initial conference. The Director will respond within 5 days of receiving written notice or with in an agreed time frame if the limit is extended.
Step 4. If the grievance is still not settled another conference will be held and steps of resolution will be recorded.
If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth it will be considered waived. The time limits in each step may be extended by written mutual consent. The term days shall be defined as working days for the purpose of this policy and shall exclude weekends and holidays.
Pumpkin Patch Pre-school carries Commercial General Liability Insurance.
Holidays and Days School is closed:
Fall Break
Christmas Break
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents Day
Easter Break
Work Shop Days
Department of Human Services
Licensing Division (651) 431-6500
Parent Handbook Revised 2019